Wednesday, October 6, 2010

News, News

Elizabeth is 4 weeks old today! In one way, I feel like time has flown and she's growing up too fast :-), and in one way life is at a stand still. Things that happened a week ago, some how seem more like they happened 3 weeks ago. I think it must be that I'm still sleep deprived. Lately, E. has been sleeping just 3 and 4 hour stretches at night. That doesn't seem like a whole lot of sleep to me, or for me. I don't mind a little bit though, since I'm hoping for a chubby baby, and this may be my last chance!

Another perk to these early weeks is that I really, really do think she smiled at me intentionally, two Sundays ago (Sept. 26). That seems really early to me, but she's smirked or smiled at me just about every day since. We were at church and I had to step out of the service because she was making just a little too much noise. I was standing in the doorway to the Sunday School room that has the audio of the sermon and she was looking at me and smiled. Gosh, she has the cutest smile! I can see a little dimple on her right cheek that is so cute. I can't wait to see it more often!

More baby news, I think E.'s eyes are going to be brown. Last Monday, (Oct. 1) I looked at them and they sort of lost their haziness enough to see that they are heading in the direction of brown. Abigail's eyes have sort of morphed over time from blue to something either green or hazel, the jury is still out. We'll see what E.'s do.

Funny quote of the day: Abigail was holding Elizabeth this morning and said to me "No, she's not fussing, she's just grumpy."

Ponderings of the Moment: Should I or shouldn't I use baby money to buy a digital camcorder?

Monday, May 25, 2009

an old friend

I had such a good conversation with an old, not-too-often-seen friend today. At one point she was talking about when people ask you questions just so they can talk about themselves. Instantly I wondered if she ever thought I did that and I became more aware of how much I talk about myself with others instead of listening to them and being interested in them. We talked about having children at one point in the conversation and I commented on how much having a baby threw me for a loop, since I had previously really liked devoting my time to me. Later on in the day I reflected on how much of my life still revolves around me. I think about things that relate to how I feel, what I want, what I'm interested in, what I think is important. Then, when others want to talk about things that don't relate to me, I easily tune out.

Another sad point, I was thinking about how I had realized this propensity (don't you love euphemisms?) in myself and what a good thing it was that I could now recognize it and fight it. Then I thought about how most likely I'll be repeating this same sin over and over again, never having finally mastered it. Well, at least on earth.

What a great day it will be when I no longer give into sins and those not-too-often-seen friends will be with me all the time, praising our Lord together!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Potty Praises

For those of you hoping my first post (don't remind me how long ago it was, I know) would be an indication that I'd always have profound and meaningful things to post on, sorry.

So, the past two weeks have included a more active potty training for Caleb. More than just talking about it, we've actually put him in undies or pull-ups and he's had several good days at doing things like a big boy. I will say, Skittles have been a huge incentive.

Apparently this has been a very positive experience for Caleb too, because yesterday at lunch he told God something like "thank you for pee-peeing in the potty, and candy...." It isn't what I would have said at the lunch table, but nevertheless true. I'm writing it down now so I can remind him at his high school graduation (or whenever it might be helpful). :-)

Friday, May 23, 2008

Oh yeah, I forgot.

Yesterday Jeremy e-mailed me a link to an article by Tedd Tripp. It is a really great article and reminded me of what I'm doing as I parent. (Sometimes it's easy to forget.) I especially liked his comment:

"You are not looking, ultimately, for children who can be threatened or persuaded to follow your commands. You are looking for children who live self-consciously and joyfully in God’s world as people who submit to God and to the authorities whom God has ordained."

There ought to be a reason for my child to do what is right, not just because it is right.